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Straight talking Diversity Awareness, Education and Action Training and Consultancy Services - Start your DEI Journey here, lets have a transformative conversation.

  • Allyship
    Empower your team to become effective allies. Our Allyship programmes provide the tools and knowledge necessary for individuals to support their colleagues from diverse backgrounds consistently throughout the year. Building a Culture of Continuous Support and Inclusion. Allyship is at the heart of creating an inclusive workplace where everyone feels valued and empowered. At Inclucive, we specialise in developing and nurturing allyship within organisations, ensuring that support extends beyond mere gestures to become a fundamental aspect of your organisational culture. Our Allyship Programmes Include: - Training Sessions: Interactive workshops that educate employees on the principles of allyship, including recognising privilege, understanding systemic barriers, and effective ways to support marginalised colleagues. - Ongoing Support: Regular check-ins and resources to help allies maintain their commitment and continue their personal growth in supporting diversity and inclusion. - Ambassador Programmes: Develop a network of dedicated allies who champion DEIB initiatives and mentor others within the organisation.
  • Anti-Racism Training
    Combat racism within your organisation through our targeted anti-racism workshops. We equip your team with the skills to identify, challenge, and dismantle systemic racism, fostering a more inclusive environment for everyone.
  • Facilitated Conversation
    Facilitate meaningful and productive discussions around sensitive DEIB topics. Our experienced facilitators guide conversations that promote understanding, empathy, and actionable outcomes.
  • Diversity Workshops
    Engage your employees with interactive diversity workshops designed to enhance cultural competence, reduce unconscious bias, and promote a culture of inclusion
  • Diversity Coaching
    Receive personalised coaching to develop DEIB strategies tailored to your organisation's unique needs. Our coaching services support leadership in driving and sustaining diversity initiatives effectively.
  • Retained Diversity Support
    Benefit from ongoing support with our retained diversity services. We partner with your organisation to continuously monitor, evaluate, and advance your DEIB efforts, ensuring long-term success and adaptability.
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